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Спереводом предложений. 1. она уже целую вечность ищет работу. 2. родители купили мне гитару. 3. гитара была из прекрасного дерева. 4. вы именно тот самый человек, которого я хочу видеть. 5. он довольно хороший художник. 6. знание - это сила. 7. я только что приготовил суп. хочешь? 8. была весна. весна была теплой. 9. мы никогда не ужинаем, но вчера после театра у нас был легкий ужин. 10. напротив нашего дома больница. 11. я не люблю лежать в больнице. 12. было уже 11, а она была еще в постели.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she looks for a job whole eternity. 2. my parents bought me a guitar. 3. guitar was made of a nice wood. 4. you are just a man i want to see. 5. he's a pretty good artist. 6. knowledge is power. 7. i just cooked a soup. do you want to try it? 8. that was a spring. spring was so warm. 9. we never have dinner, but we had one, yesterday, after theather. 10. hospital is in front of our house. 11. i don't like being in hospital. 12. that was 11 o'clock then, but she still were in bed.

1. she already searches whole eternity work.2. parents bought a guitar to me.3. a guitar was from a wonderful tree.4. you are an exactly that man that i want to see.5. he is a good enough artist.6. knowledge is force.7. i prepared soup just. do you want? 8. there was a spring. a spring was very warm.9. we never have a supper, but yesterday after a theatre we had light dinner.10. opposite our house there is a hospital.11. i do not like to be in a hospital. 12. it was already 11, and she was as early as bed

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