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Где проводится фестиваль валлийских бардов? *

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Когда как, иногда в северном иногда в южном уэльсе

The darling.she now had her own opinions, and at supper discussed with sasha's parents, saying how difficult the studies had become for the children at the school. if you chose to, you could become a doctor, or, if you wanted to, you could become an engineer.sasha started at the school. as his father was away every day inspecting cattle and was sometimes gone for up to three whole days at a time, it seemed to olenka lhat sasha was completely abandoned, was treated as if he were quite superfluous, and must be dying of hunger. so she transferred him into her part of the house and fixed up a little room for him there.he got up, dressed, said his prayers, then sat down to breakfast. the sleep was not yet out of him, so he was a little cross.he looked round and she shoved a date3 or a caramel into his hand. when he reached the street of the school, he turned around, ashamed of being followed by a tall, stout woman and said, "you had better go home, aunt.she stopped and stared at him until he had disappeared through the school entrance. oh, how she loved him! not one of her other ties had been so deep. and she spoke of the teacher and the lessons and ihe textbooks, repeating exactly what sasha said about them. at three o'clock they had dinner. in the evening they did his homework together, both crying at how difficult it was. and the black cat would lie at her side purring "mrr, mrr, mrr."

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