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Начать предложение. are long-legged wild animals

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Giraffes-жирафы длинноногие дикие животные

(в правом верхнем углу) свой адрес                                             город                                             страна                                             дата написания письма (красная строка) dear joe,                               thanks a lot for your  letter/ i was glad to get it again. i'm sorry i havent written earlie, but i was really busy with my homework.                                 you asked me about my school. well, my school is usual, nice and big building with windows, door and others. there are  4 floors and about 50 class rooms. at school i meet my friends, learn my favourite subjects, also i can play sport games in school gym, so i like my school a lot.  i have many friends, we oftet communicate, walk and enjoy our school life!                                 well, that's all for now, i have got much homeword and must go. take care and keep in touch. all the best, твое имя ( без точки, не смей ставить точку )                                  

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