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Придумать шуточное предложения со словом sauce

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Много соуса утекло с тех пор, как макаронники выдумали свою пасту!   a lot of the sauce has flowed under the bridge since then, as the wop invented his pasta! покупатель попросил продавщицу отрезать ему 10 метров ткани, потом разрезать всё по 1 метру, а потом и говорит: а теперь давайте вырезать цветочки!   the buyer asked the seller to cut him 10 meters of fabric, then cut all into 1 meter pieces, and then says: “now let's cut flowers”!   когда мальчик, наигравшись с котом, бежал к столу, мама кричала: не ешь кошачьими лапами! when the boy, having played with the cat, ran to the table, the mother shouted: “do not eat with the cat's paws!     однажды парикмахер крутила клиентке , кудряшки не получились, и она сказала: «что за неисправности! » once hairdresser twister chemcal locks to a client, curly locks did not work, and she said, "what a malfunction! "   многие дети рисуют, как курка лапой. many children paint as if with a hammer paw.      

Anna asked to transfer the sauce, when she spilled it on her dress.

1. has the teacher come yet? — yes, he has. — when did he come? — he came half an hour ago. 2. where is popov the student? — i have just seen him. — when did you see him? — i saw him half an hour ago. 3. i've done the exercises today, though my sister did them yesterday. 4. have you been to netherlands yet? — no, i've never been there. 5. what english port have you been to? — i was in london. — when were you there? — i was there in 1988.

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