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Перевести текст, вас прошу. сама учила французский, ребенок изучает . язык. учебник автор верещагина 3 класс. перевод текста the little red hen. one day as the little red hen was scratching in a field, she found a grain of wheat. "this wheat should be planted," she said. "who will plant this grain of wheat ? " "not i," said the duck. "not i," said the cat. "not i," said the dog. "then i will," said the little red hen. and she did. soon the wheat grew to be tall and yellow. "the wheat is ripe," said the little red hen. "who will cut the wheat ? " "not i," said the duck. "not i," said the cat. "not i." said the dog. "then i will," said the little red hen. and she did. when the wheat was cut, the little red hen said, "who will thresh this wheat ? " "not i," said the duck. "not i," said the cat. "not i," said the dog. "then i will," said the little red hen.' and she did. when the wheat was all threshed, the little red hen said, "who'll take this wheat to the mill? " "not i," said the duck. "not i," said the cat. "not i," said the dog. "then i will," said the little red hen. and she did. she took the wheat to the mill and had it ground into flour. then she said, "who will make this flour into bread ? " "not i," said the, duck. "not i," said the cat. "not i," said the dog. "then i will," said the little red hen. and she did. she made and baked the bread. then she said, "who will eat this bread ? " "oh! i will," said the duck. "and i will," said the cat. "and i will," said the dog. "no, no! " said the little red hen. "i will do that." and she did.

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Маленькая красная курочка. однажды маленькая красная (или рыжая) курочка греблась в поле, она нашла зерно пшеницы. "это зёрнышко нужно посадить", сказала она. "кто посадит зерно пшеницы? " "не я", сказала утка. "не я", сказала кошка. "не я", сказала собака. "значит, я", сказала маленькая красная курочка. и посадила (и сделала это). вскоре зерно выросло высоким и жёлтым. "пшеница (колосок) созрела", сказала маленькая красная курочка. "кто срежет пшеницу? " "не я", сказала утка. "не я", сказала кошка. "не я", сказала собака. "значит, я", сказала маленькая красная курочка. и срезала (и сделала это). когда пшеница (колосок) была срезана, маленькая красная курочка сказала, "кто смолотит колосок? " "не я", сказала утка. "не я", сказала кошка. "не я", сказала собака. "значит, я", сказала маленькая красная курочка. и смолотила (и сделала это). когда колосок был , маленькая красная курочка сказала, "кто отнесёт пшеницу на мельницу? " "не я", сказала утка. "не я", сказала кошка. "не я", сказала собака. "значит, я", сказала маленькая красная курочка. и отнесла (и сделала это). она отнесла пшеницу на мельницу и смолола её в муку. потом сказала "кто сделает из муки хлеб? " "не я", сказала утка. "не я", сказала кошка. "не я", сказала собака. "значит, я", сказала маленькая красная курочка. и сделала.она сделала и испекла хлеб. затем она сказала, "кто будет есть этот хлеб? " "о! я буду! ",сказала утка. "и я буду! ", сказала кошка. "и я буду! ", сказала собака. "нет, нет! " сказала маленькая красная курочка. "я это сделаю." и сделала (и съела).

read the text and fill in the gaps with the words.

• turns • later • come • about • and this • in​

in 1940, walt disney produced his second animated film, pinocchio, the film is 1) about a toymaker, geppetto, who makes a wooden puppet and names him pinocchio, geppetto wanted pinocchio to come alive 2) and be his son. 3) in the story, a beautiful blue fairy makes geppetto's wish 4) come true. the fairy tells pinocchio that to be a real boy he must be good. pinocchio finds 5) this hard and gets into a lot of trouble.

pinocchio tells a lot of lies, so his nose becomes longer and longer. 6) later,

geppetto has an adventure when a giant whale swallows him. pinocchio saves him

and the blue fairy 7) turns pinocchio into a real boy.

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