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Complete the sentences by filling in adjectives or adverbs . i don't like to get up in the morning. i'm not an bird. 2. speak , please. i don't understand you. 3. my father works like his job. 4. you run you a sportsman? 5. ann speaks english she

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Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da seguinte sentença: the man gave a five-pound note to the shoe-repairer. a) o homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para reparar o sapato. b) o homem deu cinco potes de notas para reparar o sapato. c) o homem deu um maço de cinco notas para consertar o sapato. d) o homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para o sapateiro. e) o sapateiro recebeu uma nota de cinco libras do bom homem. 002 [mackenzie 1999] indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: they finally decided to buy a a) four-doors car b) four doors car c) four-door car d) four-door-car e) four-car 003 [mackenzie 1999] indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: the building has nine stories. it is a) a nine-stories-building b) a nine-story building c) a nine's-story building d) a nine-stories e) a building's nine stories's 004 [mackenzie 1999] indicate the alternative that be

эту баскетбольную команду называют по- «чикаго буллз», но если   переводить это сочетание, то получится "чикагские быки".

по одной из версий, владельцу команды нравились быки (bulls = быки) своей силой и выносливостью, поэтому он выбрал их для названия. по другой версии, он хотел, чтобы имя команды отражало статус чикаго как мясной столицы мира.

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