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Put the verb into present, past or future simple passive: russian … … by many millions of people. (to speak) english and german… … in lots of school. (to teach) our new book … … … next year. (to publish) the letters … … a week ago. (to send) we …… to a party yesterday. (to invite) the poem …… by pushkin. (to write) the window … … by my dad. (to open) new year … … in many countries (to celebrate)

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Russian is spoken by many millions of people. (to speak) english and german are taught in lots of schools. (to teach) our new book will be published next year. (to publish) the letters were sent a week ago. (to send) we were invited to a party yesterday. (to invite) the poem was written by pushkin. (to write) the window was opened by my dad. (to open) new year is celebrated in many countries (to celebrate)

Поэт неоднократно бывал в твери проездом, а иногда и останавливался погостить в тверской губернии у кернов и многих других. сегодня туристам предлагается к осмотру целое "пушкинское кольцо", начало которому положено в твери. памятник пушкину а.с. в твери расположен в горсаду на набережной михаила ярославича. открыт в мае 1974 года в дни празднования 175 годовщины со дня его рождения. скульптор о.к. комов, архитекторы н.и. комова, в.а. фролов. памятник пушкину выполнен из бронзы, высота его 3,5 метра. постамент выполнен из гранита высотой 0,7 метра. на (этот же текст):   the poet repeatedly visited the tver travel, and sometimes stayed to visit in the tver province near the core, and many others. today tourists are invited to inspect the whole "pushkin ring", which began in tver. the monument to pushkin in tver city is located in the city garden on the embankment of mikhail yaroslavich. opened in may 1974, during the celebration of 175 anniversary of his birth. the sculptor o. k. komov, architects n. and. komova, and v. a. frolov. pushkin monument is made of bronze, its height is 3.5 meters. the pedestal is made of granite with a height of 0.7 meters.

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