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Поставить где нужно артикли the или a/an. 1. what big college! it has thousand students. ben is planning to go to college as soon ashe finishes school. college that my brother goes to trains managers. 2. on sundays we often wath television together. we have just bought new television, it`s biggest television i`ve ever seen. turn off television: it`s past your bedtime. 3. poor man, he hasn`t got home and he hasn`t got family. come at any time, i`ll be at home. this house is best home for them, i`m sure they`ll be very happy here. 4. look at hospital! can you see man at window on ground flooor? after his third day at hospital victor felt much better. i`d like to be nurse and work in big hospital. 5. at what age do english children go to school? school i go to is not far from my house. - what`s this red brick buildung? - it`s school.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  a  big  college/ has a thousand st/ to hte college/ a school/  the college/ 2.a  new  television/ its hte biggest tel./ off a television 3.a  home/a  family/  is  hte best home/ 4.a  hospital/  a man at the  window/ on a ground/ at the  hospital/ a nurse/ in a big hospital

What a big college! it has thousand students. ben is planning to go to college as soon as he finishes school. the college that my brother goes to trains managers. on sundays we often watch television together. we have just bought a new television. it's the biggest television i've ever seen. turn off the television: it's past your bedtime. poor man, he hasn't got a home and he hadn't got a family. come at any time, i'll be at home. this house is the best home for them. i'm sure they'll be very happy here. look at the hospital! can you see the man at the window on the ground floor? after his third day at the hospital victor felt much better. i'd like to be a nurse and work in a big hospital. at what age do english children go to school? the school i go to is not far from my house. - what's this red brick building? it's a school.

Убратца кролика было 4 морковки. он был голодный.  он хотел съесть морковки. но потом он подумал, что его друг братец козел голоден тоже. поэтому он съел только 2 морковки. он хотел отдать оставшиеся две братцу козлу. он взял 2 морковки и побежал к дому братца козла. братец козел не был дома. поэтому кролик положил на стол 2морковки и убежал. когда вернулся козел но увидел морковки на столе и подумал, что : о. какой у меня ъороший друг! я тоже хочу быть хорошим другом. я думаю братец кролик голоден. поэтому козел съел только 1 морковку, взял оставшуюся и и побежал к дому братца кролика. кролика не было дома. козел положил морковку на стол и и написал письмо: дорогой братец кролик! это морковка для тебя! с любовью когда кролик вернулся домой, он увидел морковку и письмо на столе. он прочитал письмо, съел морковь и подумал: о, какой у меня хороший друг!

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