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Переведите текст на . недавно я была на концерте любимой группы "slipknot". концерт начинался вечером, в 7 часов. я ходила на него с моим папой и моей подругой. он длился примерно до 10 часов. мне понравилось. я уже давно слушаю эту группу, примерно с 5 класса. я бы хотела, что бы ты тоже побывала со мной на этом концерте. они играли громко и кричали на весь стадион. народу было много. а какую музыку любишь ты?

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Recently i was at a concert of your favorite band "slipknot". the concert began in the evening, at 7 o'clock. i went to him with my dad and my girlfriend. he lasted about 10 hours. i really liked. i've been listening to this band since about 5th grade. i would like, what would you have been with me at this concert. they played very loud and screaming the whole stadium. people were very many. what kind of music do you love?

Recently i was at a concert of a favorite band of "slipknot". a concert began in the evening, at 7 o'clock. i went to it with my father and my friend. it lasted approximately till 10 o'clock. i liked it very much. i listen to this group, approximately from the 5th class for a long time. i would like that you too would visit with me this concert. they played very loudly and shouted at all stadium. to the people was much. and what music is loved by you?

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