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Переведите в косвенную речь 1. "the browns moved to glasgow two months ago and i have lived in their house since then", said stella gibson. 2. "tonight i shall stay at home and read what the editor has given to me," said nelly. 3. "did you change your plans? " - my friend asked me. 4. "why are you laughing? " - meg asked me. 5. "dont give the camera to anybody but martin," - dad said. 6. "put on your raincoat," - my mother asked. ! )

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Ответы на вопрос:

Stella gibson said that the browns had moved to glasgow two months before and she had lived in their house since then nelly said that that night she would stay at home and read what the editor had given her my friend asked me if i had changed my plans meg asked me why i was laughing dad said not to give camera to anybody but martin my mother asked to put on my raincoat

Stella gibson said the browns had moved to glasgow two previous months ago and she had lived in they house since then. nelly said that night she should stay at home and read what the editor had given to her. my friend asked me if i had changed my plans. meg asked me why i was laughing. dad told me not to give the camera to anybody but martin. my mother asked me to put on my raincoat.

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