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Нужно вставить слова,слова не даны,но даны первые буквы этих слов. easter island is in the south pacific ocean, 3,700 kilometres from chile. the island was named so by the dutch explorer jacob roggeveen because he saw it on easter 1) 1722. people live on the island today but it is difficult to live there as it is so 2) away from anywhere else. easter island is made from three 3) volcan , but they don’t erupt any more. the last time they erupted was over 100,000 years 4) the island is 5) for its mysterious stone figures. they are known as “moai”. these statues are between three and twelve metres 6) today, there are more 7) 800 statues on the island, but in the 8) there were more. the statues are known for their enormous 9) with large broad noses and strong chins. no one really knows why the statues were made. archeologists think that they represent dead tribal 10) most of the statues are on the coast of the island and stand with their 11) to the sea. historians think the 12) statues were made 13) 1150 and 1500. the monuments were carved out of soft volcanic stone in the quarry and moved on wooden rails for more than twenty-two 14) it’s incredible that there are almost no trees on easter island. the climate is warm and the soil on the island is good for growing things. there is evidence that in the past a 15) covered the island. so what happened to it? some historians think that the island people cleared away the trees so that they 16) move the statues around the island. we don’t know why the people who built the statues left the island. perhaps they were killed by disease or war. there are many unanswered 17) about easter island.

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1)  ? 2)  far 3)  volcans 4)  ago 5)  famous 6)  tall 7)  than 8)  past 9)  faces 10)  indians legend 11) 12) other 13) between 14) kilometers 15) flowers 16) can 17)  questions

At the end of december, every student in russia passes tests and exams. i study college and 28 december i took a vacation. the whole of russia celebrates the new year very widely. each house has a christmas tree, the streets and shop windows are beautifully decorated. 31 numbers in each house the festive table is laid the closest people gather together, all give gifts to each other, and children wait for a miracle from santa claus. in europe, the new year is not widely celebrated, as in russia because there is the main holiday-catholic christmas-december 25. in russia, christmas-january 7, usually christmas in russia is celebrated by believers, and in the circles of relatives and closest people. i love new year holidays very much. this is the time when you can walk around the city to enjoy the beauty of moscow. i love to spend time outdoors, you can walk in the park, skiing or skating on cheesecakes. 14 january, my break is over.вот перевод! )удачи!

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