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Как перевести на язык: сколько лет твоему папе? сколько лет твоей маме? сколько тебе лет?

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Ответы на вопрос:

how old is your dad?

how old is your  mother?

how old are you?

in britain there are 12 national (1)  daily  newspapers and most people read one of (2)  them  every day.

daily newspapers are (3) published  on very day of the week except sunday .

sunday newspapers are (4)   larger  than daily newspapers .

all the sunday newspaper are (5) national.

most natonal newspapers in britain express a (6) political  opinion ,most of them right-wing and people (7)   choose  the newspaper that they read according to (8) their  own political(9)  beliefs.





Популярно: Английский язык