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Complete the sentences with the words write ,ride , be , go in the correct from and you will learm interesting things abut pam. закончить предложения словами писать ,ездить , быть , идти в правильном, и узнайте интересные вещи примыкают pam. 1.yesterday, bob a song about the travelling. 2. he before. 3. bob lives in washington d. c. he to a farm and he horse. 4. last summer bob africa with his family. he an elephant there!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. write 2. is (be) ,write 3. is, go in the correct, is, ride 4.    go in the correct, ride

1) ocean 2)russian 3)yes, the russian people peaseful. 4)yes, separates 5)when he is interested

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