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Хоть кто-! use the verbs given in brackets in proper tenses: • present indefinite or present continuous 1. tom usually (play) football but today he (play) tennis. 2. what language they (speak) in holland? what language he (speak) now? 3. the professor (speak) five foreign languages. right now he (speak) dutch. 4. my friend always (tell) me the truth, but i see that she (tell) a lie now. 5. i usually (drive) to my work. be careful! you (drive) too fast. 6. she (wear) smart hats as a rule. but today she (wear) a funny-looking one. 7. i (do) a lot of work every day. don’t worry! i know what i (do) 8. every sunday he (watch) birds in the forest. be quiet, the photographer (watch) that bird. he (want) to take a picture. 9. you (eat) fruit every day? what’s the name of the fruit you (eat) now? 10. i (not recognize) the man who (give) a talk.

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1.plays..   is playing 2.do they he speaking 3. is speaking 4. telling 5. you are driving 6.wears..is wearing 7. doing 8. watching..wants 9.do you eating.. 10.don't giving

Immigration-иммиграция,   letter-письмо,cafe-кафе,candy-конфета,early-ранний,invent-изобретать,open-открытый,opposite-напротив,natural-натуральный,talk-говорить

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