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Выбери правильный вариант ответа. 1. this is the girl … won the swimming competition. a) who b) whose c) which 2. they … the dog for a walk every morning. a) are taking b) take c) takes 3. harry … lunch at the moment. a) prepares b) is preparing c) prepare 4. we watched a very … film last night. a) excited b) excite c) exciting 5. there isn’t … milk in the jar. a) a lot of b) many c) much 6. my friends go … school … foot. a) in, on b) to, on c) for, by 7. sheila is afraid … travelling … plane. a) in b) in, by c) of, by 8. you … eat in the classroom. it’s not allowed! a) mustn’t b) must c) don’t have to 9. this game is … than the one we played last year. a) difficulter b) difficult c) more difficult 10. how much … the flat cost? a) does b) do c) is

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a)

  2. c)

  3. b)

  4. c)

  5. c)

6. b)

  7. c)

  8. a)

  9. a)

  10.   a)

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