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He came out of his house with a brush and a big pot of white paint in his hand. he looked at the fence. it was three metres high and thirty metres long. he stopped and looked at the fence, put down his brush and sat down. there were hours of work in front of him and he was the unhappiest boy in the saturday was a beautiful day. it was summer and the sun was hot and there were flouwers in all the gardens. he put his brush in the paint and painted some of the fence. the sun was shining brightly. there were no clouds in the blue sky. it was very hot and tom didn`t want to work. it was a day for everybody to be happy. but tom was the unhappiest boy in the vilage.

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Он вышел из своего дома с кисти и большой горшок белой краской в ​​руке. он посмотрел на заборе. это было три метра в высоту и метров тридцать. он остановился и посмотрел на забор, положил кисть и сел. были часов работы перед ним, и он был несчастным мальчиком в селе субботу был прекрасный день. было лето, и солнце было горячее и было (этого слова не знаю) во всех садах. он положил кисть в краску и нарисовал некоторые из забора. ярко светило солнце. там не было облака в синем небе. было жарко, и том не хотят работать. это был день для всех, чтобы быть счастливым. но том был несчастный мальчик в вилаж.

1.  did  kate visit her grandparents several  times a week? 2. did they interrupt your talk several times? 3. did all the pupils get excellent marks for the dictation? 4. did we read a lot of interesting stories last year? 5. did she often call  on us last week? 6. did he think about her letter? 7. did  rita tell  them the news? 8. did  nick break  the window with his ball? 9. did  max draw  that funny big house? 10. did you have tea in the morning? 11. did it rain heavily last night?

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