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Turn the following sentences into indirect speech 1)my father said "you can go to england for a year or two" 2)paul said to us"my father does a lot of business with england" 3)mr wigging said to us "nothing will make me go intro an office" 4)he said"i am staying in england for another"

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) my father said that i could go to england for a year or two.

2) paul told us that his father did a lot of business with england.

3) mr wigging told us that nothing would make her go into an office.

4) he said that he was staying in england for another…

1. my father said that i could go to england for a year or two. 2.paul told us that his father did a lot of business with england. 3. mr wigging told us that nothing would make her go into an office.4) he said that he was staying in england for another

Яджейн. у меня есть мать, отец и брат.моего папу зовут тэд. он бизнесмен . мою маму зовут донна. она врач . у меня есть тетя линда и дядя джек. моя тетя-секретарь, мой дядя-фотограф . друг моих братьев это маша . она из россии. мама-учительница и отец-пилот . мне нравится играть с моими двоюродными братьями и машей.

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