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Переведите на ! 1. у меня был отпуск в мае, и я провел его на черном море. 2. – куда ты идешь? – я иду в кино. – а у тебя есть билеты? – да, я купил их вчера. 3. сегодня жарко. пусть дети пойдут на волгу купаться. 4. – сколько времени вы потратили на эту работу? – две недели. 5. первого сентября все дети идут в школу. 6. – вы не загорели. – видите ли, я не могу загорать, я обычно сижу под тентом, когда жарко. 7. сейчас уже 10 часов, а ребенок все ещё смотрит телевизор. не разрешайте ему смотреть телевизор после 9 часов. 8. они катались на коньках, в то время как мы ходили на лыжах. 9. – где дети? – они играют вон там. – пусть они идут домой. обед готов. 10. – где вы собираетесь провести свой отпуск в этом году? – в греции. там много красивых мест.

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Ответы на вопрос:

i had avacationin mayand i spentit on theblack sea.2.- where are yougoing? - i goto the movies.-do you havetickets? - yes,i bought themyesterday.3.today it's very hot.let thechildren goto the volgaswim.4.- how much timedid you spend onthe job? - two weeks.5.the first of september, all childrengo to school.6.-you're not verytanned.- you see, i can nottan,i usually sitin the tentwhen it is veryhot.7.it is now10 hours, andthe baby is stillwatching tv.do not lethim watchtv after9: 00.8.theyskated,whilewe wentskiing.9.-where are the kids? -they playover there.-let them gohome.dinner is ready.10.- whereare you goingto spend your vacationthis year? -in greece.thereare manybeautiful places.

1. i had a vacation in may and i spent it on the black sea. 2. - where are you going? - i go to the movies. - do you have tickets? - yes, i bought them yesterday. 3. today it's very hot. let the children go to the volga swim. 4. - how much time did you spend on the job? - two weeks. 5. the first of september, all children go to school. 6. - you're not very tanned. - you see, i can not tan, i usually sit in the tent when it is very hot. 7. it is now 10 hours, and the baby is still watching tv. do not let him watch tv after 9: 00. 8. they skated, while we went skiing. 9. - where are the kids? - they play over there. - let them go home. dinner is ready. 10. - where are you going to spend your vacation this year? - in greece. there are many beautiful places.

1. jack said that derek had bought some camping gear yersterday.

2. sandy asked where she could get a henna tatoo.

3.   lisa asked her father if he would drive her to school.

4. fay said to me that i met her outside the cinema tonight and didn't be late.

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