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Перевести на язык! вот предложения: он спит на открытом воздухе с 10 лет и никогда не простужается. в наши дни дорого питаться вне дома. как давно ты знаешь вильямса? - я знаю его 3 года. у меня эти часы уже 5 лет. мне купил их папа в санкт-петербурге. они еще не останавливались. заранее !

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Ответы на вопрос:

He has slept in the open air since he was 10 and he never gets cold. nowadays it is expensive to eat out. how long have you known williams? - i've known him for 3 years. i have had this watch for 5 years. my dad bought it for me in st. petersburg. it has never stopped yet.

1. that’s the girl who spoke to me yesterday. 2. what’s the name of the book which you want me to read it? 3. the hotel in which we stayed was very expensive. 4. i rent a house that is very small. 5. the car which was stolen was a bmw. 6. the man who smoked forty cigarettes a day died of a heart attack. 7. that’s the building which i work in. 8. that’s the boy whose mother works in the post office. 9.  last night i saw the businessman who was very rich. 10. that’s the dog whose owner is french.

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