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Какая ваша семья? кто главный в вашей семье? кто он по профессии? какой твой папа? что он любит делать? где работает твоя мама? кто она по профессии? что она любит делать? какие ее любимые цвета? с кем она проводит свободное время? как зовут твою сестру? сколько ане лет? какая она? какая она иногда бывает? что она любит и какие цвета? как зовут твоего дядю? чей он брат? где работает дядя? что он предпочитает носить? с кем он живет? кем работает твой дедушка? чем занимается дома? какой ваш дедушка? кем работает твоя бабушка? какая твоя бабушка? напишите правильно на

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Hello! my name family is not big.there are four members in it: my mother,my father,my sister and i.my father is the head of our family.he works in the bank.he is a manager.when he has free time he likes to play billiards with his friends.  my mother is a doctor.she works at hospital.my mother likes gardening very much,so when she has free time she works in the garden.my mother`s favourite colours are red,yellow and green.in the evening my mother likes to stay at home with the family. my sister`s name is ann.she is 5.she is very kind girl.she likes animals very much.her favourite colours are blue and pink. i have got an uncle.he is my father`s brother.he works in his own firm.he has a wife and a son. i have got a grandfather too.he is very kind.he does not work.when he comes to us  he helps my mother about the garden. my grandmother does not work too.she is a pensioner.she is a hard-working person .her hobby is cooking. i love all members of my family very much!

1.if you had given me more time ,i would have made a better report last week.

2.if you took more exercise,you would feel better.

3.i'll give you my address when i find somewhere to live.

4.many people would be out of work if that factory closed down.

5.if i was offered the job ,i think i would take it.

6.do you think he would be angry if i asked him to help me?

7.if i have time,i shall go to the meeting.

8.would they come if we invitedthem ?

9.if i knew his addres ,i would tell you.

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