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Почему люди путешествуют в сша на день

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Ответы на вопрос:

День - это один из самых любимых американцами праздников. он неоднократно находил отражение в фильмах и книгах

ex 38.1

2 dropped

3 lost

4 happened

5 went

6 did

7 was

ex 38.2

2 b

3 a

4 b

5 b

6 a

7 b

ex 38.3

2 I bought

3 will you invite

4 he asked

5 I would be amazed

6 somebody gave... I would have

7 would you be nervous if you met

8 what will you do if you are in a lift and it stoped

ex 38.4

2 we will not stay at hotel if it costs too much

3 If I tell you what happened you will not believe

4 If she left her job it would be hard to find another one

5 If Kevin applied for a job he would get it

Популярно: Английский язык