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Мне нужно до завтра написать сочинение на " кем я восхищаюсь ". я не кем не восхищаюсь и решил написать про путина, но не знаю что написать про него особого можно. заранее .( напишите хотя бы на языке на не обязательно, но желательно)

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everyone has heard of bill gates. he is one of the richest and most successful people in the world. he was born in america in 1955. he was the youngest and the most famous businessman at the age of 31.

he has got a gray wild hair. also, he has got grey eyes. he is very slim and well built.

one reason for his success is that gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking.  for such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family. he often gives his money for different charity. 

at school bill liked maths and science. after finishing school, bill wrote program for the altair. he invented the microsoft company. if he has got free time he likes puzzles, golf and reading about science.

i admire this person.

каждый слышал о билле гейтсе. он является одним из самых богатых и успешных людей в мире. он родился в америке в 1955 году он был  молодым самый известным бизнесменон в возрасте 31.одной из причин его успеха в том, что гейтс всегда был амбициозным и трудолюбивым . для такого богатого человека , его жизнь проста , и он тратит немного на себя и свою семью . он часто дает свои деньги на различную благотворительность. в школе билл любил и науку. после окончания школы , билл написал программу для altair. он изобрел компанию microsoft . если у него есть свободное время он любит головоломки, гольф и читать о науке. я восхищаюсь этим человеком.

Chicken tandoori 200 g baked ham 200 g tomatoes 150 g quail eggs 15 pcs. lettuce '80 cheese "parmesan" 100 g cheese "mozzarella" 200 g "caesar" sauce '80 sol 1 hour. l. ground black pepper 4 pinches pizza dough 500 g the ingredients (2-3 pizza 40 cm.): pizza "caesar": ingredients chicken tandoori 200 gquail eggs 10-15 pc.baked ham 200 gtomatoes 150 glettuce '80cheese "parmesan" 100 gcheese "mozzarella" 200 g"caesar" sauce '80pizza dough can be prepared by one of two recipes: unleavened dough for pizza, which includes:         wheat flour 500 g        240 ml of water.        yeast '30        olive oil 4 tbsp. l.        sol 1 hour. l.pastry pizza, which includes:         200 ml of milk.        eggs 2 pcs.        sugar 1 hour. l.        salt 0.5 h. l.        wheat flour 500 g        5 g yeast        olive oil 2 tbsp. l.preparation time: 1 hour 30 minutes. preparation time: 20 minutes. today i am going to cook a pizza caesar salad with quail eggs, chicken, green salad and sauce "caesar".this pizza we recently tried one pizza and we really liked it. so, i wanted to try to make something similar at home. i certainly can not say that the pizza get one to one, but it is very similar to your original.for the preparation of the pizza you have to cook chicken tandoori. although if you want instead of chicken tandoori, you can use any other recipe chicken in the oven or on the grill, but it is important that it is composed of spice curry, it was she who gives the pizza a thin specific taste and aroma.in addition to chicken pizza is necessary to prepare a fresh sauce "caesar" which is usually run by the famous salad. it is through this sauce is ready pizza gets its freshness and lightness.this time i used cherry tomatoes, but it is preferable to use ordinary tomatoes cut into thin slices. cherry tomatoes on the pizza look very impressive, but they are cut large enough to interrupt a little taste of the other ingredients. but if you use conventional tomatoes cut into thin slices, then taste a softer and more harmonious.whichever of the two variants of the test you choose, try to roll the dough as thin as possible, just lay out all the ingredients and to submit a pizza in the oven. if you roll the dough thick, or leave it in a warm place rasstaivatsya, instead of pizza you'll likely get flan.it is not necessary to put on pizza salad immediately after cooking, otherwise it will quickly lose their green color and vibrance. ready pizza cool slightly and then lay on top-dried green salad, sauce "caesar" and grated parmesan cheese.here are a few recipes for pizza:

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