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Текст о британии их обычаи и немножко о королеве

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Most of british are proud of the traditions and customs, and they carefully to follow them.  british to keep tradition which were entered many centuries ago and traditions which are quite new.  most of people widely to celebrate the main religious holidays of christmas and easter.  but not all from festivals of england are connected with religion, many of them are connected with the british history.  many people use royal cases. some people simply like the atmosphere of such celebrations, others think that they unite people.  day of crowning, for example. it marks anniversary of date when elizabeth became the queen 2.  some royal cases include parade from security guards and fireworks.  each citizen can address the speaker's cornet in the hyde park and will make the speech.  but there are people, in great britain who live every other time, without knowing that they occurred or they simply ignore them.

Если будешь путешествовать, то отличное знание языков тебе в этом ; это улучшит жизнь, если ты решишь переехать в другую страну; тебе будет легко общаться с другими людьми которые из разных стран; вскоре у тебя будет невероятный опыт и может ты станешь переводчиком; в конце концов тебе это принесет удовольствие если близкий тебе человек сможет понимать тебя.

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