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Переведите, , на язык моя любимая книга "три толстяка". её автор юрий олеша. в книге добро побеждает зло. главный герой книги суок. она умеет хорошо танцевать. у неё есть друг тибул и враги 3 толстяка. в конце сказки дворец трех толстяков разрушен.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My favorite book is "the three fat men." its author yuri olesha. in the book, good triumphs over evil. the protagonist of the book swauk. she knows how to dance well. she has a friend and enemies tibul 3 fat. at the end of a fairy tale palace destroyed three fatties.

My favorite book is "the three fat men." its author yuri olesha. in the book, good triumphs over evil. the protagonist of the book swauk. she knows how to dance well. she has a friend and enemies tibul 3 fat. at the end of a fairy tale palace destroyed three fatties.

If you want to buy a book, go to that shop. if you listen to your teacher, you wil pass your exams if you read lots of books, you are erudite. if you have been trying to solve your problems all morning, have some rest. if it's cloudy outside, it's better not to go for a walk

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