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Спереводом! basic elements of cadastral system а land cadastre as а тах tool and à land registry has long traditions. the legal base of modern ега of these institutions was created long ago. the following four basic aspects give an overview of the existing cadastral systems: legal and organizational characteristics, levels of14 planning and control, aspects of multipurpose cadastres, and responsibilities of the public and private sectors. the basic elements of the cadastral systems are different in different countries. cadastral systems can be based on titles, deeds, or both. some countries have indicated that their cadastral system is based on titles. the parcel is the basic unit in the others. а civil law system is the legal basis in the most of them. registration of property rights is also compulsory. in the average cadastral system, legal protection of the registered rights seems to be very good. the legal force of à property registration, however, has at the same time both à positive and negative effect. the positive effect - registered rights - are assumed to be correct and the negative effect - unregistered rights - are assumed to be non-existent. furthermore, the state is in the most cases liable for any damage that was caused by faulty registration. in most jurisdictions, the cadastral systems include land registration and cadastral mapping. in many countries cadastral maps are part of the register, but not, for example, in most of the australian states, and in hong kong, greece, and latvia. land registration includes such interests in land as the rights, but which are also restrictions and responsibilities. in most cases, the cadastre covers the complete territory of the country. the exceptions are low priority areas which may not always be covered. the cadastres are mainly of à complete character which means that parcels are introduced into the systems in à systematic way. there are two components of strategic plannings - land registration and cadastral mapping. strategic planning, management, and operational control for both components of the cadastral system are done within the same organization which is, in аll cases, from the public sector. but sometimes tasks of strategic planning and management control are separated among different organizations, some of which are even in the private sector. however, the strategic15 responsibility for the cadastral systems, i.e. strategic planning, is always kept in the hands of the public sector. cadastral systems were mainly established to serve à legal and/or a fiscal purpose. historically, land records have been established to serve two main purposes. first, as "fiscal” records, primarily for the public sector, they have served as the basis for the full and accurate taxation of land. second, as "legal" records for the private sector, they have served as registers of ownership and other land rights. the data of the cadastral systems are used for facilities management, base mapping, value assessment, land use planning, and environmental impact assessment. а legal basis, however, does not exist everywhere for аll of these other purposes

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Элементы земельного кадастра в качестве налогового инструмента и земельный кадастр имеет давние традиции. правовая база современной эпохи этих учреждений была создана давно. следующие четыре основные аспекты обзор существующих систем кадастрового: правовые и организационные характеристики, уровни 14 планирования и контроля, аспекты многоцелевого кадастра и обязанности государственного и частного секторов. основные элементы кадастровых систем различны в разных кадастровых систем могут быть странах. на основе названий, поступки, или обоих. некоторые страны указали, что их кадастровая система основана на названиях. посылка основной единицей в других странах. система гражданского права является правовой основой в большинстве из них. регистрация прав собственности является также обязательным. всредняя кадастровая система, правовая защита зарегистрированных прав, кажется, хорошо. юридическая сила регистрации собственности, однако, имеет в то же время как положительного, так и отрицательного эффекта. положительный эффект зарегистрированных как права негативное влияние правильные незарегистрированные права предполагаются не существует. кроме того, государство в большинстве случаев ответственность за любой ущерб, который был вызван неисправный регистрации. в большинстве юрисдикций, кадастровые системы включают регистрацию земли и картографирование кадастровой. во многих странах кадастровые карты являются частью регистра, но, например, в большинстве штатов австралии, а в гонконге, греции и латвии. регистрация земли включает в себя такие интересы землю, как права, но также ограничения и обязанности.

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