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34.complete the question.answer them 1)who did the wolf see? did the wolf meet the sheep? did they come to the river? did the wolf say to the sheep did the sheep answer? old was the sheep? did the wolf fall into the water? прошу: ( там еще столбик есть. how why (2) where who what(2) и , ,перевод этих вопросов

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)who did the wolf see? - кого увидел волк? he saw a sheep. - он увидел овцу.  did the wolf meet the sheep? - где волк встретил овцу? he met her by a small river. - он встретил её у небольшой речки.  did they come to the river? - зачем они пришли к речке? they wanted to drink. - они хотели пить. did  the wolf say to the sheep? - что волк сказал овце? you have made the water dirty! - ты сделала воду в реке грязной!   did the sheep answer? - что ответила овца? no, i didn't. the sheep answered. - нет, я её не делала грязной - ответила овца.  old was the sheep? - сколько лет было овце? it was only four months old. - ей было только четыре месяца.  did the wolf fall into the water? - почему волк упал в воду? he jumped on the sheep, but the sheep ran away and he fell into water.- он прыгнул на овцу, но она побежала и он упал в воду.

-do you think university students should get a weekend job?

-maybe,but l also think they need that time to study.

-i suppose you’re right. do you think they should get a job in the holidays?

-absolutely. that’s a much better idea.

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