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Переведите язык. 1. — у тебя много или мало журналов? – у меня мало журналов, но много газет. 2 – кто играет на рояле в вашей семье? – моя жена хорошо играет.—а вы играете на рояле? — да. я тоже люблю играть на рояле. 3. —у вас есть телевизор? — да. он стоит в правом углу гостиной. 4. – что находится слева от окна в вашей комнате? — гардероб. около него стоят диван и торшер. 5. в детской комнате нет книжного шкафа. там есть только две книжные полки. на них много детских книг. 6. дети любят играть в компьютерные игры. 7. у моего брата новая машина. где она сейчас. она находится на стоянке около его дома. 8. – это фирма «браун и ко»? я бы хотел поговорить с г-ном брауном. — одну минуту. простите, г-на брауна сейчас нет. позвоните ему в два часа, , или приходите завтра утром. 9. г-н кент, я хотел бы встретиться с вами завтра утром и обсудить наш запрос на котлы. 10. мне нравится гостиная в квартире моей сестры. она не большая, но светлая и уютная. в ней всегда много солнечного света.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. — at you there is a lot of or few english magazines? – i haven't enough magazines, but it is a lot of newspapers. 2–who plays the piano in your family? – my wife well plays. — and you play the piano? — yes. i too very much like to play the piano. 3. — you have a tv? — yes. it costs in the right corner of a drawing room. 4. – what is to the left of a window in your room? — clothes. about it there is a sofa and a floor lamp. 5. in a nursery there is no bookcase. there are only two book shelves. on them there are a lot of children's books. 6. children like to play computer games. 7. my brother has a new car. where it now. it is on parking about his house. 8. – it is firm «brown and to»? i would like to talk to mr. brown. — one minute. forgive, mr. brown now isn't present. call it at two o'clock, please, or come tomorrow morning. 9. mr. kent, i would like to meet you tomorrow morning and to discuss our request for coppers. 10. i very much like a drawing room in the apartment of my sister. it not big, but very light and cozy. in it always there is a lot of sunlight.

do you have many or few english magazines? - i have a few magazines, but a lot of newspapers. 2 - who plays the piano in your family? - my wife is playing well. - do you play the piano? - yes. i also love to play the piano. 3. -do you have a tv? - yes. he stands in the right corner of the living room. 4. - what is left of the windows in your room? - wardrobe. around him are the sofa and floor lamp. 5. the children's room has no bookcase. there are only two bookshelves. they are a lot of children's books. 6. kids love to play computer games. 7. my brother has a new car. where she is now. it is located in the parking lot near his home. 8. - this is the company "brown & co."? i would like to speak with mr. brown. - wait a minute. excuse me, mr. brown is not available. call him at two, please, or come back tomorrow morning. 9. mr. kent, i would like to meet with you tomorrow morning to discuss our request to the boilers. 10. i enjoy living in the apartment of my sister. it is not large, but very light and comfortable. there are always a lot of sunlight.



1. it helps me keep fit. 2. basketball, because this game is boring. 3. football to hockey, because i find it more interesting. 4. i hate skiing because this sport is dangerous 5. football because this game is amazing and you can't guess wich team will win

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