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С какими целями англичане стремились в Персию и Афганистан?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Индии — по словам королевы Виктории «бриллианту британской короны» — угрозой, по мнению англичан, выступала политика других европейских государств. Поэтому Англия старалась подчинить себе соседние страны, .чтобы как стеной огородить ими Индию. В первую очередь это касалось Персии и Афганистана.

Devices scb by means of which different dependencies are carrier out, and also devices of a train and station radio communication have to be closed and sealed up; their opening is allowed to be made only the representative on that the employee of service of the alarm system and communication with an obligatory preliminary log entry of survey of these devices. the workers on duty using these devices bear responsibility for an integrity of seals on devices scb and a radio communication. distances of the alarm system and communication have to have drawings and descriptions of the scb devices which are available at a distance and communication and other devices served by them, the corresponding standards and norms/ all changes have to be made to these documents in due time.

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