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Listen to three people discussing the seating plan. Complete sentences 1-6 with the correct famous person’s name. — Послушайте трех человек, которые обсуждают план

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Socrates was said not to care about his/her appearance. – Говорят, Сократ не заботился о своей внешности.
2. Napoleon can talk about intelligent, amusing and interesting things. — Наполеон может говорить об умных, забавных и интересных вещах.
3. Jane Austen lived a sheltered life in a rural area. — Джейн Остин жила защищенной жизнью в сельской местности.
4. Bill Gates could discuss his/her ambitions with Elizabeth I. — Билл Гейтс мог обсудить свои амбиции с Элизабет I.
5. Madonna believes in equality of the sexes. — Мадонна верит в равенство полов.
6. Queen Elizabeth I wouldn’t agree with Napoleon’s military ambitions. — Королева Елизавета I не согласилась бы с военными амбициями Наполеона.

B: My dad is cooking some chicken.

3 A: I am not coming to the restaurant with you tonight.

B: Why not?

A: My mum and I are making a birthday cake for my dad.

B: Next time then!

2 A: Is Assel staying for lunch today?

B: No. She is going to the park with her friends.

4 A: We are having a picnic tomorrow. Would you like to come?

B: Sure, why not?

Is she eating with her friends then?

B: I think so.


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