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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 I broke my leg so I can't play football. If I........(break) my leg, I........(play .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 hadn't broken... could have played (сломал…мог играть) (Third Conditional: if + past perfect, could + have + past participle)
2 hadn't been... wouldn't have had (не был…не имел бы) (Third Conditional: if + past perfect, would + have + past participle)
3 use... will hurt (использовать…пострадать) (First Conditional: unless + глагол в утвердительной форме, future simple)
4 would you do... would help(сделали бы…помогли бы) (1-Second Conditional: if + past simple, would + bare infinitive. 2-модальный глагол)
5 were... would wait (были…подождали бы) (Second Conditional: If I were you (совет), would + bare infinitive)
6 wear... will catch (носить…простудиться) (First Conditional: unless + глагол в утвердительной форме, future simple)

An active carrier of a healthy lifestyle is a specific person as a subject and an object of his life and social status.

In the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, a person begins in the unity of his biological and social.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is based on a person's motivational attitude to the embodiment of his social, physical, intellectual and mental abilities and abilities.

A healthy lifestyle is the most effective means and method of ensuring good health, primary disease prevention and meeting vital health needs.

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