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Translate the text: Из стихов великого русского поэта Н. А. Некрасова мы можем многое узнать о крестьянских детях в России XIX века. Жизнь их была очень

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We can learn a lot about Russian peasants’ children in the 19th century from the poems by the great Russian poet N.Nekrasov. Their life was not easy. They got up very early and helped their parents in their hard work. They fed animals, worked in the fields, picked up mushrooms and berries in the forest. The great Russian writer I.Turgenev also described their interests, favourite games and free time activities. For example, he described vividly the children’s gatherings round the bonfire after work at night where they enjoyed telling scaring stories about ghosts and house-spirits.

1)Движение вокруг Солнца по эллиптической орбите, близкой к кругу радиусом около 149,6 млн.

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