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Ask and answer How many sofas are there? There are two How many lamps are there?

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Ask and answer  How many sofas are there? There ar

How many (sofas) are there? — Сколько там (диванов)?
— и ответы:
There are (two)./There is only one. — Два./Только один.


A: How many chairs are there? — Сколько там стульев?
B: There are four. — Четыре.

A: How many cupboards are there? — Сколько там шкафов?
B: There are two. — Два.

A: How many mirrors are there? Сколько там зеркал?
B: There’s only one. — Только одно.

A: How many beds are there? — Сколько там кроватей?
B: There are two. — Две.

A: How many boxes are there? — Сколько там коробок?
B: There are five. — Пять.

A: How many computers are there? — Сколько там компьютеров?
B: There’s only one. — Только один.

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