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Ask and answer What did Sheila do in the morning? She woke up, made her bed, had breakfast and went to school. What did Sheila do in the afternoon

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ask and answer  What did Sheila do in the morning?

A: What did Sheila do in the morning? — Что делала Шейла утром?
В: She woke up, made her bed, had breakfast and went to school. What did Sheila do in the afternoon? — Она проснулась, заправила кро­вать, позавтракала и пошла в школу. Что Шейла делала днем?
A: She had lunch, came home and did her homework. What did Sheila do in the evening? — Она пообедала, пришла домой и делала уроки. Что Шейла делала вечером?
В: She met her friends, went to the cinema and ate pizza. What did Sheila do at night? — Она встречалась с друзьями, ходила в кино и ела пиццу. Что делала Шила поздно вечером?
A: She had a bath, wrote in her diary and went to bed. — Она при­няла ванну, сделала записи в дневнике и легла спать.




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