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Заполни таблицу. Animal, bird Where does it live? What does it eat? What can it do? What does it do for; people?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Animal, bird

Where does it live?

What does it eat?

What can it do?

What does it do for; people?

a monkey

in the zoo, in Africa

bananas, fruit

run, jump, climb the trees

help people

a camel

in the zoo, in the desert

grass and apples


carry things

a cow

on the farm


run, jump

give milk

an eagle

in the mountains

mice, small birds and animals

fly high in the sky

help people

a whale

in the seas and oceans


swim and dive

give meat

a crocodile

in the river


swim and dive


a sheep

on the farm


run, jump

give wool, meat

Фольклор-это совокупность всего, что хранится в народной памяти, и о чём поётся и рассказывается в народе. фольклор это прежде всего искусство слова, как и художественная литература.

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